Friday, July 15, 2011


When people hate other people or are afraid of other people, more often than not, they just don't understand them. Very few folks take the time to educate themselves about other religious practices and that ignorance can be damaging to our existence as mankind. Just like only ignorant buffoons steal c's from coexist stickers or the peace sign magnet off the side of my car that went mysteriously missing as well, the uninformed are the ones who create dissent among the bountiful beautiful belief systems. I really like alliteration... Sorry bout that. To attain any level of peace, we must enlighten ourselves. You don't have to agree with them to accept them or to simply tolerate them. We don't even agree with our own religion sometimes and that's the one we decided to follow. Just try to get where they're coming from. 

1 comment:

  1. All religions are equal in the sense that they are satisfying and reassuring delusions.
