Thursday, July 7, 2011

Really Stinkin' Old

My high school BFF and I didn't like each other at all when we first met in 9th grade and now she's pretty much the only person I hang out with on breaks back in the 407. We call ourselves the old ladies. I've got terrible knees and she's got rheumatoid arthritis. It's a little bit pathetic. I make fun of her raptor hands and she teases me for my bum knees. When we're not busy being old ladies, we occupy ourselves by being toddlers, rolling around and gargling. NBD. There are so many different ages to be and we get to try out every one. We have that main age that you figure out mathematically with your birthday and all that, but then it separates into all the intricacies of who we are, like our souls shining through a prism and dividing into a rainbow spectrum of ages. And so we never have to fear losing our youth. It's always right there.

"The great thing about getting older is you don't lose all the other ages you've been."
-Madeleine L'Engle

Mackenzie and me - senior prom. (I couldn't put the pictures that really showed our personalities because they're extraordinarily unattractive and Mack probs wouldn't be too happy with me for posting them). 

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic. I just love being old and having raptor hands. NOT YET I DON'T!!! and I like the picture. sort of. I think I look kind of weird but I'm my hardest critic... you're beautiful!
