Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Sorry to my regular readers for not posting in so long! My grandmother just died so I've been spending a lot of time with my family. This one's for her.

For Kathryn "Katie" N Bush

In one of my earliest memories, I'm sitting in the kitchen of my family's house holding a fat, Crayola washable marker in my fat toddler fist. My older sister and brother, Stephie and Cary are sitting there with me too, and my grandmother whom I called Meama is there with us, babysitting probably. I couldn't have been more than two. I remember making outlines of odds and ends on the kitchen countertops around me with my marker, Meama looking over my shoulder and instructing me to draw what I see. 
A few years later, I think I might have been in second grade or so, she and I were staying together at my cabin in North Carolina while the rest of my family hiked on the Appalachian Trail. I got to go the next year, but that year they'd deemed me too small. She gave me a spiral notebook and a Bic pen--two of my favorite things now--and told me to write what I know.
Now that she's gone, I'll honor her and find solace for myself in sharing these things which she taught me and has supported me in through all the years she was with me. I find comfort in the arms of my God and knowing she is drinking Whiskey Sours with God in heaven. 

While she was still responsive, Reverend Rodney Wallace came to be with us and pray with her. Then he read her one of my very favorite bible verses. They were just the right words for her and just the right words for me:

May the Lord bless you and keep you
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you
May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you
and give you peace.

Meama and I at my sister, Stephanie's wedding to Grady Valentine in January. I'm pretty sure I was asking her if I should have another couple of margaritas. She said absolutely, yes. 

Golden Writer: The Writings of Kathryn Bush

I'd also like to mention that my best friend, Mackenzie Searl's grandfather, Nicholas Gurrera, was taken off of life support today. Please keep him and the Searl family in your prayers.

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